miércoles, 6 de octubre de 2010


hello, for this week I studied a new topic, migration, after searched and read on the IOM I am going to explain to you what IOM do to improve conditions of women migrant workers.

First, IOM means international organization for migration; it is a migration agency who works looking for benefits for migrants and society, also migration is people who move from some place to another one and survive in the new place.

Basically the problem that I do care about it today is the women migrant workers, if you go to another country and start a new life could be for two reasons; first you are successful and you move because you get a new job does not matter if you are man or woman, second is that you have to move because you have different problems in your home country does not care if the problems are social, economy or security insomuch there are a lot of methods for why another country can invite you to migrant there, for example if you have security problems you have to borrow asylum.

If you are a successful person, let’s talk about women, you have some advantage that the a woman with low incomes cannot have, for example the successful woman comes to the new country and has purchase power, and get a job where she will work probably in a job that she likes and a job for was she had to studied before, the second woman has the issue that she will work not in a job that she picks or what she used to studied before, usually she has to work in something that she did not do before, like taking care of babies or cleaner for example so she is more exposed than the successful woman to be exploited by a company, maybe she has to work more than she´s allow to do or she maybe does not have social security and working in infrahuman conditions.

IOM was created to investigate, study how these migration issues work, and the results was that the women are more exposed than men, also IOM want to care about human rights, IOM look for everybody respects people who are migrants and protect them for be exploited and then reach that every migrant can be feel safe in whatever country where they are, not exposed to big companies that the only thing that they look for is to get more money. The question is IOM have achieve its objectives? Every migrant women worker feel safe does not matter the country she is? I think no.

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